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珠海翔翼2024年A350全动模拟机模拟管理单元(SMU)采购项目招标公告(Procurement of the A350 Full Flight Simulator Simulation Management Unit (SMU) of Zhuhai Xiangyi in 2024--Biddin

珠海翔翼2024年A350全动模拟机模拟管理单元(SMU)采购项目招标公告(Procurement of the A350 Full Flight Simulator Simulation Management Unit (SMU) of Zhuhai Xiangyi in 2024--Biddin




1.1 招标项目名称:珠海翔翼2024年A350全动模拟机模拟管理单元(SMU)采购项目

1.2 项目编号:CZ******23。

1.3 项目类别:货物类

1.4 资金来源:企业自筹资金;

1.5 招标内容、数量、限价或预算:

















1.6 交货地点及交货期:













1.7 合同期限: 自合同生效之日起2年,具体起始时间以双方签署合同内容为准。

1.8 本项目只接受在中国南方航空采购招标网或招标人于本文件中指定的网站下载本招标文件的投标人投标。

1.9 本项目提供的产品/服务应符合中国现行各项安全管理相关法律、法规、规章、政策和管理规范等规定及要求。本项目鼓励使用低碳、新能源、节能、环保产品。



2.1 投标人必须是具有承担民事责任能力的,在中华人民共和国境内(不含港澳台)注册的法人或其他组织具备合法有效的营业执照。如分公司投标,须取得总公司的授权。


2.2 分支机构(分公司)以自己名义投标的,不得使用法人(总公司)的资质与业绩。

2.3 供应商须为本次采购标的物的合法制造厂家。


2.4 与招标人存在利害关系可能影响招标公正性的法人、其他组织或个人,以及单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同实体,应当主动回避,不得参加本项目同一标段(已划分标段的)或本项目投标。分支机构(分公司)与法人(总公司)、同一法人(总公司)下设的多家分支机构(分公司)不得参加同一标段投标或者未划分标段的同一招标项目投标

2.5 投标人在经营活动中未被列入“严重违法失信企业名单(黑名单)信息”(注意:须提供国家企业信用信息公示系统中此项完整内容截图或报告)或“严重失信主体名单”(注意:须提供信用中国网站中此项完整内容截图或报告)”,或者在投标文件递交截止日前已被移除出黑名单或失信主体名单。(招标人或招标代理机构仅以国家企业信用信息公示系统或信用中国网站显示信息为准进行形式审查并作为认定依据,其他网站或文件不作为认定依据以上两项证明材料可一并提供或择一提供。如择一提供,视为投标人承诺均不在两项名单中;任何时候,如经招标人或招标代理机构查询发现投标人在任一名单内的,视为投标人提供虚假材料。境外企业、港澳台地区企业及国内事业单位无需提供本款规定的材料

2.6 ******集团和采购人“限制交易供应商名单”且仍在限制期内的法人或其他组织不得参与本次投标。

2.7 ******集团和采购人“禁止交易企业名单”的企业,不得参与本次投标。

2.8 递交文件的投标人之间在本项目过程中登陆,购标、递标、开标解密等任何一个环节存在IP地址异常一致的,或者支付平台服务费、提交各类保证金等付款行为******银行账户一致的,不得通过符合性审查,且招标人有权对投标人涉嫌违规的这些行为按第二章第二节《投标人须知》中第3.4.6的规定,以及依据本招标文件的其他规定和法律法规进一步审查、追究责任。



3.1 获取招标文件时间:2025127日至20252月8;请务必在此期间登陆“中国南方航空采购招标网”,选择招标项目下载招标文件;否则将无法投标。

3.2 招标文件获取途径:



4.1 投标文件递交的截止时间(投标截止时间)为2025213900,地点为广州市白云区机场路272号南航贸易大楼结算楼603会议室

4.2 逾期送达的、未送达指定地点的或者不按照招标文件要求密封的投标文件,招标人将予以拒收。





5.4  本项目信息的修改、补充,在中国南方航空采购招标网发布。本项目信息在各媒体发布的文本如有不同之处,以在中国南方航空采购招标网发布的文本为准。




7.1 ******有限公司





7.2 ******有限公司





8.1 如投标人对招标文件有疑问,需招标人进行解释说明的,应按照招标文件第二章2.2.1项规定,进入中国南方航空采购招标网招标项目提问区域提出疑问。

8.2 如投标人对招标文件有异议的,在异议有效期内将有效的异议材料书面递交至招标人。请注意:



8.3 如投标人对异议回复结果不满意,或认为本次采购活动违反法律、法规或规章制度的,可在收到异议回复之日起2个工作日内进行实名投诉。





8.4 投标人应按照规定的渠道路径维护自身合法利益,且提出内容和提供的相关证明材料应真实、客观、来源合法。调查过程中,若发现投标人有意捏造事实、伪造证明材料、以非法途径取得证明材料,或故意诋毁,造成不良影响的,一经查实,将按照招标人相关规定严肃处理;构成违法犯罪的,依法追究法律责任。











China Southern Airlines Group Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Bidding Agency"), entrusted by Zhuhai Xiangyi Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer"), now invites eligible and qualified bidders to submit sealed bids for the Procurement of the A350 Full Flight Simulator Simulation Management Unit (SMU) of Zhuhai Xiangyi in 2024 by public competitive bidding.

1. Project overview

1.1 Project name: Procurement of the A350 Full Flight Simulator Simulation Management Unit (SMU) of Zhuhai Xiangyi in 2024.

1.2 Project No.: CZ******23.

1.3 Project category: cargo.

1.4 Funding source: self-raised funds of the enterprise;

1.5 Bidding content, quantity, price limit or budget:

Serial Number

Bidding content

Purchase quantity

Unit price limit

(Unit: USD)

Total price limit

(Unit: USD)



A350 Full Flight Simulator Simulation Management Unit (SMU)

1 set




Note: 1. All prices exclude tax. If the VAT rate changes due to national tax policies changes, the new VAT rate will apply. Agreement price = tax-exclusive price at agreement signing * (1 + new tax rate). Tax-exclusive price at agreement signing = (the tax-inclusive price and additional charges agreed in the agreement) / (1 + the tax rate applicable at agreement signing).

2. This project adopts a fixed amount procurement model. Bidders must quote all the contents. Any omissions or quotations exceeding the maximum price limit (unit price or total price) will render the bid invalid. The maximum limit amount of unit price and total price are calculated by the user unit based on actual usage and the approved budget amount, with final settlement subject to the signed contract agreement.

1.6 Location and date of delivery:

Serial Number

Delivery contents

Delivery location

Delivery date


A350 Full Flight Simulator Simulation Management Unit (SMU)

Zhuhai Xiang Yi Aviation Technology Company Limited (ZHFTC)


Test Rig will be delivered at ZHFTC site before T0+4.


The Cockpit Shell will be delivered at ZHFTC site no later than T0+5.


The holistic SMU is scheduled to be delivered at ZHFTC site no later than T0+5. 


1.7 Term: 2 years from the effective date of the contract. The specific starting time shall be subject to the contract signed by both parties.

1.8 This project only accepts bids from bidders who have download this bidding document from the China Southern Airlines Tendering or the website specified by the Employer in this document.

1.9 The products/services provided under this project shall comply with the provisions and requirements of China's current laws, regulations, rules, policies and management norms related to safety management. This project encourages the use of low-carbon, new energy, energy-saving and environmentally friendly products.

2. Bidder qualification requirements 

Bidders participating in the bidding must meet the following requirements:

2.1 The Bidder must be a legal persons or organization registered in the People's Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) with the capacity to bear civil liability and possess a valid business license. If a branch bids, the authorization from the head office is required.

(Note: Scanned copies of valid business license of the branch and head office with official seal must be provided, along with proof that the branch meets the above requirements, and the head office's authorization document. The authorization document must be filled out according to the requirements in Form V of the bid. If bidders are registered outside the People's Republic of China and in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, they must provide valid company commercial registration certificate or a scanned copy of the certificate of the country/region (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) along with the signature or seal of the supplier or its person in charge (any written documents provided by suppliers outside the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan must meet this requirement, the same below).

2.2 Branch offices (subsidiaries) shall not use the qualifications and performance of the legal entity (head office) when bidding under their own names.

2.3 The supplier shall be the legitimate manufacturer of the subject matter of this purchase.

(Note: the certification materials of the manufacturer must be provided, requiring that it can fully prove that it has legal production rights and production capacity (including but not limited to: photos of the production site or other certification materials).

2.4 Legal persons, other organizations or individuals who have a conflict of interest with the Employer and may affect the fairness of bidding process, as well as those where the responsible parties are the same or there are controlling or management relationship, shall actively recuse themselves and shall not participate in the same bidding section (if divided) or this project. Branch offices (subsidiaries) and legal persons (head offices), as well as multiple branch offices (subsidiaries) under the same legal entity (head office), shall not participate in the same bidding section or the same bidding project that has not been divided into bidding sections.

2.5 The Bidder must not be included in the "List of Serious Violations of Laws and Trust Enterprises (Blacklist)" (Note: a screenshot or report of the complete content of this item in the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System must be provided) or the "List of Serious Violations of Trust Entities" (Note: a screenshot or report of the complete content of this item on the Credit China website must be provided) in its business activities, or has been removed from these lists before the deadline for submitting bid. (The Employer or Bidding Agency will rely on information from the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System or the Credit China website for formal review and use it as the basis for identification. Other websites or documents will not be considered.) Both documents can be provided together or one may suffice. If one is selected, it will be deemed that the Bidder confirms that it is not on either list. If the Bidder is found on either list by the Employer or the Bidding Agency at any time, it will be considered as providing false information. Overseas enterprises, enterprises in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and domestic public institutions are not required to provide the documents specified here.

2.6 Legal persons or other organizations listed on the Restricted Trading Supplier List of China Southern Airlines Group and the Purchaser and are still within the restriction period shall not participate in this bidding.

2.7 Enterprises listed in the "Prohibited Transaction Purchaser" of China Southern Airlines Group and the Purchaser shall not participate in this bidding.

2.8 If bidders submit documents and share the same IP address at any stage of project, including document purchasing, submission, decrypting bids, etc., or have the same bank accounts for service fees and deposits, etc., they shall not pass the eligibility review. The Employer shall have the right to further investigate and hold bidders accountable for these suspected violations in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.4.6 of Article 2 of Chapter II Instructions for Bidders and other provisions of this bidding document and laws and regulations.

Bidders who fail to pass the eligibility review are not eligible to bid. The Bid Evaluation Committee has the right to determine their ineligibility. The Employer retains the right to review all original documents submitted. If any submitted documents, proof or commitments are found to be forged, altered or fabricated, the Bidder will be disqualified and included in the List of Restricted Trading Suppliers of China Southern Airlines Group, thus waiving the right to participate in the procurement activities of an y project under any procurement method of China Southern Airlines Group within 3 years from the date of this bid.

3. Obtaining bidding documents

3.1 Time for obtaining bidding documents:01/27/2025 to 2/8/2025. Please be sure to log in to the "China Southern Airlines Tendering" during this period to download the bidding documents, otherwise, you will not be able to bid.

3.2 Ways to obtain bidding documents:

For details, please access ******/cms/channel/czzngys/96540.htm

4. Submission of bid

4.1 The deadline for submission of bid (bidding deadline) is at 9:00 on the 02/13, 2025, and the location is Conference Room 603,Settlement Building,China Southern Group Import and Export Trading Co., LTD, No. 272, Airport Road,,Baiyun District, Guangzhou.

4.2 The Employer will reject any late submissions, those not delivered to the designated location, or those not sealed as required by the bidding document.

5. Publication of announcements and results

5.1 The bidding announcement (including the initial and re-bidding) will be published simultaneously on the "Tender Announcement" column of "Bidding and Procurement" of China Southern Airlines Tendering (******), China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (******) and China Procurement and Bidding Website (******);

5.2 The bid evaluation results (including the initial and successful re-bidding) will be published on the "Bidding Evaluation Announcement" column of "Bidding and Procurement" on China Southern Airlines Tendering (******);

5.3 If the bidding project fails to bid again after re-bidding, the results will be similarly published on the "Other Announcements" column of "Bidding and Procurement" on China Southern Airlines Tendering (******). The evaluation result after the project transitions to non-bidding procurement will be published on the "Procurement Results" column of "Non-bidding Procurement" on China Southern Airlines Tendering (******);

5.4 Any modification or supplement will be published on the China Southern Airlines Tendering. If discrepancies arise between texts published in various media, the text published on China Southern Airlines Tendering shall prevail.

6. Termination of the bidding process

During the execution of the project, if there are less than three qualified bidders after the second announcement, the public bidding procedure of the project shall be terminated. The subsequent review and result announcement procedures of this project belong to the non-tender procurement process, which shall be implemented in accordance with the non-tender procurement rules of China Southern Airlines. If there are only two suppliers before or at the time of review, it will be changed to negotiated procurement; If there is only one supplier before or during the review, it will be changed to direct procurement.

7. Contact information

7.1 Employer: Zhuhai Xiangyi Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.

Address: No. 32, Zhuhai Free Trade Zone, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province

Postal code: 519030

Contact: Ms.Zhang, ******

EMAIL: ******

7.2 Bidding Agency: China Southern Airlines Group Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd.

Address: China Southern Airlines Trade Building, No. 272, Airport Road, Guangzhou

Postal code: 510405

Bidding project manager and contact number: Mr Liu, ****** 

8. Clarification, objection, and complaint feedback pathways

8.1 If the bidders have any questions about the bidding documents that require clarification from the Employer, they should submit their inquiries in the question area of China Southern Airlines Tendering in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.2.1 of Chapter II of the bidding documents.

8.2 If bidders have any objection to the bidding documents, they may submit valid objection materials in writing to the Employer within the validity period of the objection. Note:

The only address for accepting objection materials: China Southern Airlines Trade Building, No. 272, Airport Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou

Contact person and telephone number of the Bidding Agency:Mr Liu, ******

8.3 If bidders are not satisfied with the objection response, or believe that the procurement activity violates laws, regulations or rules and regulations, they may file a real-name complaint within 2 working days from the date of receipt of the response.

The only department accepting complaint materials: Legal and Compliance Department of China Southern Airlines Group Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd.

Address: No. 272, Airport Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou

Contact: Ms. Hu

Tel: 020-******

8.4 Bidders should safeguard their legitimate interests through the prescribed channels, and the content and supporting materials proposed should be true, objective and legally sourced. During the investigation, if it is found that the Bidder intentionally fabricates facts, forges supporting materials, unlawfully obtains supporting materials, or deliberately slanders, causing adverse effects, once verified, serious consequences will ensue in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Employer. Legal liability will be pursued if criminal acts are established.



Time limit for objection validity


Objections must be raised before the deadline for submitting pre-qualification application documents

Procurement document release

(Bidding and procurement projects) Objections must be raised within 48 hours after the deadline for obtaining bidding documents, or 10 days before the deadline for bidding (whichever is later)

(Non-bidding procurement projects) Objections must be raised within 24 hours before the deadline for submitting response documents

Evaluation results announcement

Objections must be raised within the "bid evaluation announcement period"

For detailed requirements on clarification, objection and complaint, please refer to the Guidelines on Clarification/Objection/Complaint Commitment and Procedures in Chapter VI "Forms" of the bid







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